Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Orleans Bread Pudding

New Orleans "Bread Pudding"

Appliance:  350 Degree Oven

Ingredients:  Day Old French Bread, Milk, Eggs, Sugar, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Allspice, Butter
Rum, Raisins, Pecans (Optional)

Additional Items:  Large, Medium & Small Bowls, Spoon, Foil, Baking Dish, Cutting Board, Knife

Soak Time:  3hrs to Overnight  Cooking Time: 30-45mins

Approx. Measurements:  1 loaf of french bread, 1 qt milk, 3 eggs beaten, 1 3/4 cups sugar, 2 tbsp vanilla, 1/4 tsp allspice, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 cups raisins, 3 tbsp butter

1.  Soak Raisins in Rum (enough to cover raisins) in Small Bowl.

2.  Cut French Bread into 1 Inch Pieces.

3.  Pour Milk into Large Bowl.

4.  Whisk Eggs in Medium Bowl.

5.  Add Sugar to Eggs & Whisk.

6.  Add Cinnamon, Vanilla & Allspice.  Whisk.

7.  Pour Egg Mixture into Milk.  Whisk.

8.  Add Bread Cubes to Mixture.  Mix & Cover.
Put into Fridge & Mix Every Time You Think About It.

9.  Preheat Oven.  Coat Pan w/ Melted Butter.
Add Rum Raisins & Pecans into Bowl.  Mix.
Pour Bread Pudding into Pan & Bake Until Brown Around Edges.
(30 to 45 mins)

So Good!!

Additional Info

Don't Substitute Butter for Margarine!

Check oven every 15mins so it doesn't burn.

It is suppose to look moist at the top.

Do not overcook it or it will be dry.

Tastes great cold or hot.

Goes great with vanilla ice cream or cold milk.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be trying this one I love bread pudding but never thought about making it....I'll let u know how it turns out
