Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jalapeno Battle!



Round 1 (Ding, Ding)

You be the JUDGE...

Leave a Comment for your Choice!

Crazy Burgers!

Turkey-Black Bean Burgers (Spicy Version)

Appliance:  Cast-Iron Griddle, Grill Pan or Skillet

Ingredients:  Ground Turkey, Black Beans, Onions, Jalapenos, Jalapeno Juice, Seasoning, Tortillas or Bread, Egg-not pictured below

Additional Items: Large Bowl, Cutting Board, Knife, Spoon, Spatula, Pam

Cooking Time:  20 mins

Approx. Measurements:  3/4 package of ground turkey (I use 1/4 for pizza toppings later), 1 can black beans, 1 diced jalapeno, 1/2 diced onions, season to taste, 1 egg, 3 tbsp jalapeno juice

1.  Rinse & Drain Black Beans

2. Rough Chop Black Beans & Lightly Season Them.

3.  Combine Ground Turkey, Black Beans, Egg and Seasoning.  Mix.

(I'm trying a new brand of jalapeno that comes with onions and carrots so I didn't need to use an additional onion.)

(This is what it looks like.)

4.  Dice your Onion & Jalapeno 
(I used the jalapeno mixture from above.)

5.  Add Jalapeno, Jalapeno Juice & Onions. 

6.  Mix.

7.  Preheat Griddle.  Spray with Pam.  As soon as you form a burger shaped patty put it on the griddle.

8. Cook and Enjoy!!

Black-Bean Turkey Burgers on Wheat Tortilla w/ Cheese.

Additional Info

Why use only 3/4 package of ground turkey?  You can use however much you like.  I like to use one item in different meals so I put the remaining 1/4 ground turkey as a pizza topping.

Why include black beans?  It doubles the about of burgers and adds fiber. They are also tasty.

Is the jalapeno necessary?  If you don't like really spicy omit it...if you like regular spicy keep the diced jalapeno and omit the jalapeno juice.

What is the egg for?  To thicken the burger.  You can use only the egg white, only the egg yolk or both.  Previously, I baked my own bread and needed the egg white so I used the remaining egg yolk in the burger mixture.

Try other breads with your turkey black bean burgers:  Bolillos, French Bread, Tortillas, Burger Buns

Try other toppings:  Lettuce, Spinach, Mayo, Mustard, Ketchup, Tomatoes, Cheese

Overripe Bananas?

Are your bananas too ripe to eat?
Too ripe for me.  I like my bananas slightly green.
Freeze them for your smoothies!
See "The Key to a Great Smoothie" blog for recipe.
Or make Banana Nut Pancakes/Bread...
(Recipes Coming Soon)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh So Easy...Caramel Popcorn

Oh So Easy...Oh So Good...Caramel Popcorn

Appliances:  Microwave, 250 Degree Oven

Ingredients:  Light Brown Sugar, Light Corn Syrup, Margarine, Salt, Baking Soda, Vanilla Extract, 2 Bags Popcorn, Cooking Spray (Pam)

Additional Items:  Long Baking Pan, Microwavable Bowl, Cooling Sheet, Aluminum Foil or Wax Paper, Teaspoon, Mixing Spatula or Large Spoon

Cooking Time: 20 mins

1. Pop 2 bags of popcorn.  Put in baking dish greased with cooking spray (Pam).

Preheat Oven to 250 Degrees.

Measurements:  1 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup corn syrup, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 cup margarine (1 stick), 1/2 tsp baking soda

2. Combine all ingredients EXCEPT BAKING SODA.

3. Microwave for 3 minutes.  Then Stir.

3.  Microwave 3 additional minutes.  (pictured below)

4.  Add 1/2 tsp baking soda. Stir.

5. Spray Pam on Large Spoon.  Pour on bubbling caramel mixture and coat well. Stir. 

6.  Put in oven for 10 mins. Stir every 5 mins.

7.  Meanwhile, Line a cooling tray or sheet with foil or wax paper and spray with Pam.
(The foil is for easy clean up.)

8.  Pour Caramel Popcorn on tray to cool. 
(I like to wait 3

9. Put in a storage container.  It doesn't last over 2 days...its too delicious!


Additional Info

Can you cook this on the stove?  Yes, Use a medium saucepan and be careful not to burn the caramel.

What type of flavor popcorn?  Use whatever flavor you like.  I use 1 package of Movie Theater Butter and 1 package of Fat Free popcorn. 

Don't make it salty!  Keep in mind the popcorn already has salt on them.  Be easy on the salt and do your measurements correctly.

Why put cooking spray on the spoon? So the caramel won't stick and it will be easier to stir.

Adding Additional Ingredients?  Try some peanuts, walnuts, or pecans.

Other uses for corn syrup:  cookies, cakes, candy, brownies

Substitutions:  Butter for Margarine, Dark Brown Sugar for Light Brown Sugar, Stove-Top Popcorn for Microwave Popcorn

The Key to a Great SMOOTHIE

Strawberry - Banana Smoothie

Appliance:  Blender
Ingredients:  Frozen Strawberries, Frozen Bananas, Light Vanilla Soy Milk, Spinach, Honey
Approx. Measurements:  3/4 cup strawberries, 1 banana in pieces, 1/2 cup spinach w/ stems removed, 1 cup van. soy milk, 1 tsp honey

  1.  Add all ingredients into blender.

2.  Blend on "Puree" setting.

3.  Blend until funnel appears in the middle.

4.  Pour adults portion into cup.  And if you have children add baby cereal and blend for a few seconds.

Serving sizes.

The Last Step is to Enjoy!!

Additional Information

Not using frozen fruit? Add ice. Start with 1/2 cup and add depending on thickness wanted.

Too Thick? Add more liquid.

Different Fruit Combinations? Add pinnaples, mandarin oranges, blueberry...any fruit you like.

Bananas are overripe? Don't throw them away. Peel and Freeze them. You won't need to add ice. Or throw them in banana bread...yumm!

Is a banana necessary? Yes, it is important for the texture.

Why add veggies? For additional nutrients, and because this is the best way for my children to eat them.

Different Veggies to Add? Try spinach, celery, and kale. If you can't taste it, why not add it?

When to drink a smoothie? Breakfast, when you don't have time to make something and its good for on-the-go. Snack Time, when you want something light but filling. Dessert, skip the ice cream and make an extra thick smoothie and eat with a spoon.

How to make your smoothie more like those smoothie places? Use turbinado sugar, which is a raw form of sugar, instead of white sugar. But why add sugar when you can use sweet fruit. Use concentrated fruit juices, you can find this in the freezer fruit juice section at your local grocery, about 2 tbsp should do it. (Try grape concentrate w/ strawberries and bananas, or lemon concentrate w/ strawberries and bananas). Use liquid wheat germ.

How do you know so much about smoothies? I worked at a smoothie place in college.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are you tired of cooking the same ol' thing?

This is my recipe collection, along with photographs.  Most are kid-friendly, but all are delicious.  More to come.